Friday, December 14, 2012

Fringe Sports part 2 - They do Exist

Fringe Sports part 2 - They do Exist
by Dan Salem and Todd Salem (12-14-12)

Asking why these 'sports' don't have many fans and are fringe is a better question, but its like asking why vegetarianism isn't more popular.  The answer is pretty obvious, but its also a hilarious exercise in making fun of something.  We can answer the question for any given sport and I applaud the excellent job you did putting soccer into a little box of obscurity.  My follow up, three obvious reasons why no one cares about badminton.

1)  Most American's don't consider it a sport at all until the Olympics roll around 
2)  The primary 'ball' is called a shuttle cock 
3)  It isn't something you can play on a team unless you go to prep school and even then you are probably playing Squash instead

Those answers are both serious and sarcastic at the same time, which really sums up badminton in a nutshell.  Now let me try to restate my original question.  

Most of us understand what draws people to sports in general.  ESPN epitomizes what make sports great and why Americans love them so much.  You can't ignore this while watching the network.  However, with extra money comes extended programming, and ESPN now airs things like soccer and bowling and women's basketball among other 'fringe' sports.  So say hypothetically that you can either watch a Major League Baseball game on ESPN2 or Fox, or you can watch bowling on ESPN.  What draws a person who otherwise enjoys sports to pick bowling over a vastly superior product?

I would never watch the WNBA.  That's women's professional basketball for the unfamiliar.  Its akin to water boarding or plucking my chest hairs one at a time.  However, the WNBA has a fan base.  I know, I know, its rather amusing to list why most people don't watch it.  But I'm more interested in the odd balls who enjoy watching women shoot awkward layups instead of why the 'sport' is not very popular in the first place.  That question I can answer while drunk.

You just enjoy observing weirdos, admit it.  Good thing it can be equally as entertaining.  The reason there are people who actually enjoy watching bowling or the WNBA or archery over mainstream sports is the same reason indie bands or underground music exist. People have different tastes. Not everyone likes Maroon 5, Adele or whatever.

There are sports fans who find enjoyment in the fundamentals and ball movement of women's basketball; there are people who marvel at the accuracy and concentration of an archer; there are humans who are hypnotized by the strive for perfection of a bowler going for twelve straight strikes. These people exist.  I'm afraid to see what their home looks like, but they exist.

Now are they real sports fans? Of course not! 

These people are weirdos and should be shunned to dark alleyways.

Thank you for providing us with another reason to avoid dark alleys.  I'd hate to see what kind of weapon a man who enjoys the fundamentals and ball movement of women's basketball is carrying.

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