Monday, March 18, 2013

What ha... happened? - March edition

What ha... happened? - March edition
by Dan Salem and Todd Salem (3-18-13)

The internet is scoured for a crazy sports photo and someone must try to explain it. Seesaw Sports asks what ha... happened? Monday: opening statements. Friday: rebuttal.

Real photos. Real results. But what in the heck happened?

I present to you the following:

Photo: The Awesomest Soccer thing that has Ever Happened

Title: see above

Description: ditto

Since this is a soccer photo, I retain the right to suggest this man is possibly in mid-flop...which would certainly scar the awesomeness of said pic. However, the future has no bearing on the past.

So, what ha...happened?

Wow. I'm impressed. This photo not only has a man diving head first into the ground, but also the same man has fully extended himself so as to kick his opponent square in the face. Soccer is brutal! Or is it football in this instance? Whatever.

This is what happened. We all know how prideful international soccer players can be. Well let's just say missing a header is pretty embarrassing, I would know.

Yellow player whiffed on his header and went to the ground with it to cover things up. About halfway down he realized A) He was about to smash his head into the ground and be knocked out, and B) His opponent, the Red player, had an open shot at the ball. Initiate leg extension and face kick sequence. The result, a perfectly formed soccer triangle of yellow, red and green. That's what happened.

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